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HV Jointing Pit

BEShielding S.r.l. has patented a shielding technique based on the principle of source cancellation. This method is similar to the passive loop technique, but offers significantly higher performance at a lower cost.

The BEShielding S.r.l. system falls into the family of passive shielding. This name stems from the fact that such systems draw the energy to operate directly from the source generating the field to be mitigated.

The innovation of the BEShielding S.r.l. system lies in its high coupling between source and shield, achieved using a suitably sized magnetic core.

The high magnetic coupling allows for higher performance compared to conventional systems. In addition, appropriate dimensioning enables full exploitation of the materials used, greatly limiting costs as compared to conventional solutions.

The proposed system consists of relatively simple components made of common electrical materials, which, however, require electrical and magnetic proportioning. Nevertheless, the proposed shielding system lends itself to classification as a series of standard components that can be incorporated into a product catalogue.

In several applications — the most important of which are underground cables — the proposed solution outperforms competitors and has a significantly lower cost.

The BEShielding S.r.l. system has been patented under the name: “Shielding system of a meshed and conductive type with high magnetic coupling”.


BEShielding S.r.l. develops, designs and sells solutions for the shielding of magnetic fields produced by underground cable power lines, transformer substations and electrical equipment.

BEShielding S.r.l. has patented a shielding technique based on the principle of source cancellation. This method is similar to the passive loop technique, already adopted for electrical cable lines, but offers significantly higher performance at a lower cost.

The improvement is achieved by coupling the sources to the passive loops through appropriately proportioned magnetic cores. Finally, the proposed shielding technique has several variations depending on the different applications.

PATENT: NR. 2250654


It is important to shield power cable lines to meet the magnetic field requirements introduced by the framework law of 2001 (valid for Italy) concerning the safeguarding of the general population from the long-term effects of magnetic fields.

High voltage line installations inevitably need the so-called jointing pits: areas of the line where connections (joints) are made between different sections. The presence of the joints results in the line conductors being shifted away, thus exceeding the permissible magnetic field levels.

Therefore, that portion of the line must be shielded. BEShielding S.r.l. has designed ad hoc shielding for this type of application.

Compared with other solutions applied in this situation, the BEShielding S.r.l. system makes it possible to reduce material usage 2- or 3-fold, reduce installation time 3- or 4-fold, and increase performance, or shielding factor 5- to 10-fold.